JOURNAL CRITICAL REVIEW : The mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between job training satisfaction and turnover intentions



The mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between job training satisfaction and turnover intentions


Main journal
Authors           : Wen-Rou Huang and Chih-Hao Su
Year                : 2016 (Vol. 48 Iss 1 pp. 42-52)
Title                 : “The mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between job   
     training satisfaction and turnover intentions”
Resource         : Emerald Insight

Comparison journal
Authors           : Mumtaz Ali Memon, Rohani Salleh, and Mohamed Noor Rosli Baharom
Year                : 2016 (Vol. 40 Iss 6 pp. 407 – 429)
Title                 : “The link between training satisfaction, work engagement, and turnover
Resource         : Emerald Insight


Turnover intention (TI) is the desire of the employee to leave the organization. If it happen, that thing can resulted a disadvantages to the organization. Because, the organization has to hire a new employee to replace the ex-employee. When the organization want to do recruitment, it will cost much money. Many studies said that TI and Job Satisfaction (JS) has a relationship. Job satisfaction definition is an affective or emotional response toward various facets of one’s job, reflects the extent to which an individual likes his or her job (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2010). The relationship between TI and JS is negative (Kreitner and Kinicki,2010). It means that when the JS is high, the TI is low. So, as long as the employee has a high JS, the employee has a low desire to do TI. In this research, the authors want to know the role of Job Satisfaction in the relationship between Job Training Satisfaction (JTS) and TI. What is JTS ?
Job training is an activity that organized by the company to facilitate learning of job-related competencies, knowledge, skills, and behaviors by employees (Noe, 2013). And JTS is a new terminology to evaluate the effectiveness of job training which the employee receive (Schmidt, 2007) . It was found that JTS has a positive relationship with JS (Schmidt, 2007).


A company’s most important and valuable asset is its human capital, and a company’s
success depends upon not just its conventional assets, such as finances and physical
resources, but also on these human assets. Based on the introduction, we already know that TI and JS has a negative relationship (Kreitner and Kinicki, 2010). While JTS and JS has a positive relationship with JS (Schmidt, 2007).  In this research, the authors want to know the role of Job Satisfaction in the relationship between Job Training Satisfaction (JTS) and TI. But first, the authors has to know how is the relationship between Job Training Satisfaction and Turnover Intention, is it negative or positive relationship. So, in this research, there are two hypotheses:
1.      JTS has a negative relationship with TI
2.      The JS mediates the relationship between JTS and TI
In this research the authors use survey methodology as a tool. A survey, which refer to a process of collecting data by asking questions and recording people’s answers (Whitley, 1996), was conducted to test the hypotheses. The authors distributed the questionnaire to 150 employees from different companies and receive training in the continuing education center of Feng Chia University in the middle region of the Taiwan. From spread the questionnaire randomly and it completed by 150 employees, and 115 questionnaire were useable. From the data that authors get, the measurement result show that in the first hypotheses the relationship between JTS and TI was significant, there are a strong relationship between JTS and TI. Moreover, JTS was negatively related to TI. For the second hypotheses, the author want to know the role of JS as a mediator in the relationship between JTS and TI. From the data measurement, the author know that JS is a partial mediator of the relationship  between JTS and TI.     
From the result, we can know that JTS and TI has a negative relationship. And we also know that JS is a partial mediator of the relationship between JTS and TI. Not just it, a strong negative relationship between JS and TI also found in this study. This study can help organization in managing the job training.  This study inform us that the high job training satisfaction can lead the employee to has a low TI. In the job training, the goals is not just developing trainees’ knowledge, skill and behavior, but also emphasizing a generation of a positive attitude toward the job and the organization. It means that, to avoid TI, one of the pathway is the organization has to make sure that the training given to the employee can resulted a high satisfaction, because it can help  the organization predict a low TI.

In this part I will evaluate this journal by compare it with the other journal. The comparison journal also talk about training satisfaction and turnover intentions. Both of the journal has a similarity. In comparison journal stated that  training satisfaction has a direct and negative relationship with turnover intention among Malaysian O&G professionals. It means that investing in training and development activities can be a benefit for the company. As a result, employees that has a high training satisfactions are less likely to leave the organization, they tend to be bear in the organization. This result is consistent with the findings of Owens (2006) that trained employees have less thoughts about turnover as compared to those who are less satisfied with their training opportunities. If in this main journal talked about the role of Job Satisfaction it self between JTS and TI, in the comparison journal talked about the role of  Work Engagement in mediating the relationship between TI and JTS. The measurement resulted that the relationship between training satisfaction and turnover intention operates via WE. The findings of the present study support this hypothesis and indicate the theoretical significance of the mediating role of WE between training satisfaction and employees’ intentions to leave.
this finding is consistent with that of Shuck et al. (2014), who observed that the turnover intentions of employees were reduced when employees believed that their participation in HRD practices enhanced their level of engagement.


In this research the goals is so clear, and also the authors explained it clearly. Based on my perspective, the authors was already achieved the goals of this research. Because they can get a proper answer from their research. In this journal, we also can see that there are a valid data that the authors used. It means that the authors are objective, because they solve this research hypotheses  using a factual data from the employee’s questionnaire. The result of this journal also similar with the comparison journal. Both journal stated that training satisfaction has a direct and negative relationship with turnover intentions. Logically, that’s true. Lets imagine, if we has a high satisfaction by the training in a organization, we tend to stay at that organization and we don’t want to leave the organization because we already satisfied. This research can be used for a company, or any kind of activity that contain a training in it. Because this research is very helpful for the organization to know how effective the training that they already did, and how is the impact of the training satisfaction to the organization itself. Especially to know how is the training satisfaction effect to the willingness of the employee to do turnover intentions. Not just for the organization, this research also very helpful to me as a reviewer, because I get a new information about a satisfaction and turnover intentions. 

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